Anyway, the weather here has been GORGEOUS the past couple of days which has ideas twirling about the outdoors. I don't mind digging in the dirt in sprucing up the outside. There is the WISH LIST of "to-do's" and the reality list of "to-do's" as well. :)
Here is a pic of our house... it's a simple ranch style home and it works for us. Nothing fancy :) I've never been able to get the entry way just right. This is usually what I start out with each and every spring --- I plan to add a hanging fern by the front door & the flower pots by the front door will be filled with lots of color (usually impatients, geraniums, & a sweet potato vine). I LOVE to infuse color by using flowers. Needless to say, that will make a BIG difference, but it never seems like enough -- it doesn't say cozy & welcome as much as I would like.
1. I found the rocking chairs at Goodwill last summer. They were well-weathered and a steal at $15.00 a piece! I brought them home and spray-painted them. Not convinced I love the red, which now has a weathered look.... what do you think?
2. When we moved here several years ago, we added the concrete pad in front of the sidewalk. In the past, we have used it for a parking spot - but now we do the car switcharoo. Should I attempt to make that more of an outdoor living space? If so, what would you do?
3. The area to the left of the front door seems blah & bare. In the fall, I have a lovely sign that is hand-painted with a pumpkin and fall colors that says "The S****'s". I love the sign and had hoped to get some additional seasonal ones, but the seller no longer exist on eBay. I have yet to find anything I like or similar on etsy or eBay.
4. Additionally, in the space to the left of the door -- the white chair seems to small for the space, but hey it was FREE! :) I've considered moving the large flower pots to the corner of the concrete pad -- trying to find a small bench for the door area OR another type chair and maybe something like a sofa table (obviously for the outdoors) to go on that wall that I can add some decor too.
5. I would like to paint the front door a classic black -- the rest of the house is a light grey with white trim -- on my wish list, I would paint the whole house. :) Does the front door need a wreath?
6. I think I need to invest in a welcome mat more inviting... LOL! The one we have is super cheap -- the black with "welcome" just doesn't say cozy to me. :) And, I'd love to add a light by the front door (currently it is overhead).
What are your suggestions?
My main goal is make it feel more cozy and welcoming & as always design on a dime (the cheaper the better!).
PS - I love my seasonal flags (I don't care if they are "yestersday" -- I love them), so don't tell me to ditch them. *smile* And, we usually freshen up the flowers beds with fresh pine needles as well. :)
Dark shutters would bring more interest to the front - paint the ones you have like a true DIY'er :) Also plants in varying heights, highest on back etc. . . A nice wreath on door which you will make yourself by visiting bloggers, google search wreath blogger. Couple trees to either side of the front of the house. Add things beside/between the rocking chairs to add interest to the area around them. Your house is adorable, you can do soooo much with it - have tons of fun! And I "followed" your blog!!! Would love a follow back at
Thanks so much for your suggestions We don't have shutters now, but I agree it would add some interest to the front.
I'm in search of an inexpensive small table to go between the rockers to add another potted plant. We had one last year, but super-son ran into on his bicycle and it didn't survive. LOL
I agree - I think it definitely needs a wreath! :) Still searching for the "one".
I'm a follower!
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