Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

I don't know about you, but our weekend flew by!

Saturday morning started early for me - never fails you are snoozing well & it's one of those "get up early" Saturdays!   I had registered to take a CLEP exam.  I don't need the specific course credit, but I was hoping to gain an elective credit.  I took one last August and was able to score an elective credit.  Ohhh, did I mention it saved me $1,100 in tuition too?  Anyway, the exam was scheduled to begin at 8am.  We signed in and were given our workstation assignments.  I logged in and started the required tutorial & the system went down.  The test administrator did something and we were up and running again & then, yes, you guessed it - the computer went down AGAIN (and yet one more time too).  Fourth time must have been the charm because I was able to sail through after that.  In order to have the credit transferred onto my transcript as an elective credit,  I needed to score 50 points, I scored 48.  *boo, hiss*   I'd like to use all the computer snafus as excuses, but it is what it is & I'll need to pick up a directed study for spring semester.  UGH! 

Note to self: suck it up & move on!

After the exam, I came home picked up the fellas and it was out the door to our nephew's 9th birthday party.  It was a bowling party and super-husband & super-son had a splendid time.  I sneaked away to pick-up groceries, but still got to see them bowl two games.  And, I enjoyed a slice of cheese pizza and a slice of ice cream cake.  We got home around 4pm. I felt like I hadn't been home all day - oh wait, I hadn't!  Later in the evening, a friend we hadn't seen in awhile dropped by with her son.  It was fun to catch up and laugh about "old" times!  

Then, it was Sunday -- church/small group & a nap!  It seems like a blinked and the Monday morning alarm was singing 4:50am!   The 12 week weight-loss challenge started with boot camp today.  There are two GREAT prizes -- most pounds lost will win $400. & highest percentage of weight loss will win a free year of boot camp.  OH YEAH!!!

How was your weekend?

1 comment:

Ann said...

$400? That's an AWESOME prize! Good luck!! :)