1. The flower pots by the front porch have been spray-painted black. LOVE THEM! The design/texture on the pot still shows through for added dimension. My sweet nana came and updated the pots with flowers -- the best part she used cuttings and plants from her own garden (LOVE IT!).
2. The white chair is gone. The chair with the pots was just too much for the tiny space. A hanging fern has been added for height. The pots are positioned well underneath the fern to get any run-off water. I've added a multi-color welcome mat in bright colors -- I found a Target giftcard that still had some $$ on it, so it was my deal at $1.98 out of pocket. :)
3. The single pot approaching the door on the left -- I wasn't going to put anything there, but Nana brought a HUGE geranium that she has kept indoors for there. I can't wait for it to bloom - it's RED!
4. Move your attention toward the rockers -- they have a fresh coat of red paint. The small table I thought I had thrown away - I found :) It was not completely destroyed by the incident with superson and I managed to get it back together. It is home to a HUGE impatient with varigated leaves & sweet potato vine that I got for Mother's Day.
Still to do:
- find a welcome sign to go by the front door -- probably something seasonal
- get some flowers for the double-shepherd's hook on the other end of the house
- focus on the flower beds behind the rockers & on the left as your approach the door
So far, I've spent -
$7.50 - fern
$16.00 - paint for pots & rockers
$1.98 - welcome mat
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